3rd Offense

3rd Offense

If you are convicted of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in the State of Georgia for your 3rd offense within 10 years, based on the dates of your previous DUI arrests, you face punishment as a High and Aggravated Misdemeanor.
Traditionally, DUI is a misdemeanor charge, which subjects you to up to $1000 fine and up to 12 months in jail (in addition to the other requirements discussed below and elsewhere on this site). However, as a High and Aggravated misdemeanor, you face between $1000 and $5000 in fines (and court costs, which tend to be 15-25% more), and 120 days to 12 months imprisonment, at least 15 days of which MUST be served.

Additionally, you must complete at least 240 hours (30 days) of Community Service, and the DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program. You must also submit to a clinical evaluation for drug or alcohol abuse, and submit to any treatment recommended by that evaluation as a part of your sentence.

You will be placed on probation for 12 months, less any time you spend in jail, and your vehicle is subject to forfeiture. You face a five (5) year license suspension, ignition interlock, confiscation of your license plate, and only after 24 months and the completion of certain conditions are you eligible for a probationary license. There may also be some additional conditions or consequences based on your particular situation.

According to our top-rated Canton DUI Attorney Michael Vereen III, if these convictions occur when you are under 21 or when driving a commercial vehicle, your potential penalties and license implications may be more severe than those discussed above.